Health and Safety Query

Whether it's a question regarding compliance or you simply want legislation interpreted, contact us for free advice

Health and Safety Templates

Keep it simple! Templates make compliance easy to achieve. We have a suite of documents waiting for you. These are, of course, free.

Health and Safety Assurance

We offer a quality assurance check on any audit or inspection. Any documents received are treated with full confidentiality.

Health and Safety Expert Advice for Free

Health and Safety compliance can be a frustrating concept.

The enforcing bodies don't make it any easier with the number of documentation. The legislation is accompanied by the guidance document and the approved code of practice.

Coupled with the fact that Health and Safety prosecution fines are heading towards the £10million mark leads us to believe...

It could and should be simpler.

Since 1993


Since 1993

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Some organisations decide to employ a designated Health and Safety Practitioner. There are many highly skilled and passionate professionals out there who can assist with compliance. Often, this cost is not available for smaller firms. So they sacrifice Health and Safety standards.

But this shouldn't be deemed as negligent.

The smaller firms simply don't have the revenue available to purchase Health and Safety advice. Any funds they have at their disposal is spent on ensuring they have a business to run.

Labour, employee training, raw materials, commercial advertising. It all adds up.

Which is why we are offering Health and Safety expert advice for FREE.

We will expertly answer any query and provide the guidance required to comply with relevant legislation.

We will provide industry standard templates to enable you to succeed at Health and Safety in the workplace.

But in order to be a fair and open service. SME's, LTD's and PLC's. You are all welcome.

What can we do for you?